Weaker/Stronger Points Glossary

At the end of each review I will list the elements of a novel I thought were the "weaker" and "stronger points" of the work. The weaker points are simply those not executed as well, and were not absolutely terrible unless stated in the review.

Positive or negative:

Plot twists
Character development
Female characters (well-developed female characters that are important to the story and not used as props for the male characters, or killed of to advance a male character's plot or character development, or the exact opposite)
Backstory (sufficient or insufficient explanation of events and relationships that happened before the narrative began but are important to its telling)
World building
Diversity/Representation (the meaningful inclusion of people of colour, lgbtqi* characters etc. or lack-thereof)
Prose (quality of the writing)
Dialogue (positive: realistic, clever, funny, insightful; negative: unrealistic, cringey)
Originality (unique ideas rather than overused tropes)
Romance (positive: a believable, enjoyable romantic relationship; negative: instantaneous, underdeveloped, not believeable)
Relationships (development or lack-thereof in non-romantic relationships between characters)
Ending (an extremely satisfying or unsatifsying conclusion)

Themes (representing important topics such as racism, sexism, abuse, self-love, coming out etc.)


Problematic elements (abusive relationships portrayed as romantic, slut-shaming, misogynistic, racist etc.)
Corniness (when something makes you cringe or roll your eyes)